How to Alkalise Your Body and Why it Matters

How to Alkalise Your Body and Why it Matters


It is well known that certain foods can be healthier or worse for our bodies. But where do we draw the line between salad and hamburgers? What makes healthy foods unique, and where do they come from?


Looking at food from an alkaline or acidic point of view can help you assess how healthy your chosen snack really is. But what does this imply, and how can your body be more alkaline?


What does it mean to alkalize your body?

The alkaline diet is founded on the idea that some meals cause your body to produce dangerous and detrimental amounts of acid.


The idea is that you may alter the body's acidity (often known as pH levels) by consuming particular foods or beverages. From 0 to 14, the pH scale determines how basic or acidic something is. Something alkaline is above 7, on the primary end of the spectrum.


Alkalising your body can offer health benefits. There is some research that does suggest people who suffer from chronic renal illness could benefit from a low-protein alkalising diet. (1)


Some also believe that altering the body's pH level can enhance general health and promote weight loss.


Understanding pH balance benefits of alkalizing your body

The balance of acids and bases in your blood is known as your body's pH balance, or acid-base balance, and it determines how well your body performs.


A good balance of acidity and alkalinity is something the human body is designed to do on its own. The kidneys and lungs play a crucial part in this process. On a scale of 0 to 14 where 0 is the most acidic and 14 is the most basic, an average blood pH level is between 7.35 and 7.45. This number may slightly vary in either direction, but will typically be in this range. (1)


Keeping the proper pH balance in our bodies is essential to maximizing our general health and well-being. PH Balance is our first and most significant line of defence against illness and disease, as well as being a powerful tool to promote health and vitality. Unfortunately, most of what we consume today is somewhat acidic, so it's critical to include some high-alkaline foods in our diet to raise the pH of our bodies.


We advise consuming plenty of the foods on the alkaline list and minimising your intake of acidic foods to maintain a positive pH balance and improve your general health and wellness. Alkaline water is another method for maintaining pH.


What are alkalizing foods?

Adding alkaline foods to your diet may be a good idea if you consume large amounts of red meat, processed food, and junk food. Here are some ideas to get you going:


1. Green Leafy Vegetables

Most green leafy vegetables are thought to make our bodies more alkaline. Health professionals frequently encourage us to include greens in our daily diet, and this advice is not without foundation. Leafy greens contain vital minerals that the body needs to perform several tasks. Consider including mustard greens, lettuce, kale, celery, parsley, and spinach in your meals.


2. Cauliflower and Broccoli

Both cauliflower and broccoli are healthy options if you enjoy them. Numerous phytochemicals found in these vegetables are vital for your body’s health. Combine them with other vegetables such as beans, green peas, and capsicum to achieve your daily serving of vegetables.


3. Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits are the best source of alkaline foods, contrary to the widespread perception that they are highly acidic and can have a cutting effect on the body. Due to their high vitamin C content, lemons, limes and oranges are well known for cleansing the body and relieving acid reflux and heartburn.


4. Seaweed and Sea Salt

Seaweed and sea salt are regarded as highly alkaline food sources and are understood to have several advantageous effects on the body. You may prepare sushi at home or add nori or kelp to your bowl of soup or stir-fry. Consider replacing your table salt with sea salt for an easy alkaline swap.


5. Root Vegetables

Alkaline is abundant in root foods such as sweet potatoes, taro, lotus, beets, and carrots. They are frequently overcooked however, which can destroy all their goodness. How you cook root vegetables can make all the difference.


6. Seasonal Fruits

Most nutritionists and health professionals will tell you that including seasonal fruits in your daily diet can benefit your health and well-being. Seasonal fruits are brimming with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that support various bodily processes. Kiwi, pineapple, persimmon, nectarine, watermelon, grapefruit, apricots and apples are good sources of alkaline food.


7. Nuts

Nuts provide excellent fats and also have an alkalising effect on the body. However, it's necessary to consume nuts in moderation because they are high in calories. Include almonds, cashews, and chestnuts in your daily meal plan.


How to alkalize your body with food & supplements

Foods with a strong acidifying potential include animal protein, wheat, gluten, dairy and refined and processed sugars. Acidic substances have been found in commonplace drinks like coffee, tea, wine, and tobacco. One alkalizing supplement with the most extensive body of clinical studies is potassium bicarbonate. To shift your body's pH towards an alkaline state, you can buy mineral-fortified water or eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables.


Your diet should contain 80% alkaline and 20% acid-forming foods to achieve an optimal and healthy lifestyle balance.


Acidic foods to consider reducing or removing from your diet

Acidic foods such as proteins, cereals, sweets, and processed meals make up most of the Western diet. Foods that have been processed are very acidic and have had significant amounts of their nutrients removed.


The alkaline diet encourages consuming more fruits and vegetables while avoiding items that have been through lots of processing and are rich in saturated fat and sodium, even some foods which are considered healthy such as the following:

  • Proteins
  • Red meat
  • Poultry
  • Fish
  • Carbohydrates
  • Muffins
  • Doughnuts
  • Cereal
  • Crackers
  • Grains
  • Potatoes


In summary

The alkaline diet promotes a high intake of fruits, vegetables and nutritious plant foods while discouraging the consumption of processed junk food.


When considering alkalising your body make sure you consult a healthcare professional to set up the right diet and to discover whether this process is right for you and your body.





Always speak with your doctor before taking any action regarding your health. Supplements have a wide range of potential effects and it's important to ensure that they are right for you. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.


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